Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Trio of Triloom Cowls

I don't like the word "cowl" which I think is a modern concept for a neck warmer; the original garment referred, according to wikipedia, to the hood of a monk's garb. I also don't like "shawlette" but these are one or the other! All of these are recent FO's. I was happy that my friend was willing to model them. I added buttons to all to make them easy to keep on...

All are done on my "lace dent" Triloom by Jim who makes fine looms.  His looms are available on ebay.

This one is doubled over loopy mohair; you can't see the fine gold thread running through part of it

I got spontaneous with this one and did a lace pattern, clasping the threads after weaving it.  This is mohair. I am fond of both loopy and nonloopy mohair for triloom weaving as it does not smoosh apart (i.e. loose the evenness of it's weave) with an open weave. I wove this one while evacuated for Hurricane Dorian. I don't often name my weavings but this one is of course "Dorian." See the little tornados?

This one I will keep; it is woven from a glow gradient merino silk roving from FiberOptic Yarns. I plied it with thread (it wouldn't have held up on the tension of the triloom without it) and then wove it with a strand of good old Aunt Lydia's crochet cotton.