Saturday, March 17, 2012

Handwash? Must she?

Someone I know is having a  baby.  I am a firm advocate of machine washable yarns for baby, but I would like to use some stash stuff, and there isn't much machine-washable-suitable-for-baby in there. (I  tend to buy baby yarn for individual projects with someone in mind, rather than stash it).  This time, I would also like to use something more natural.  To that end, I dug out some Cotton Comfort from Green Mountain Spinnery for an experiment.

Pattern-wise, while EZ's Baby Surprise Jacket is always fun, I've done many and I really like a yoke down pattern.  I have  also done Carole Bareny's Seamless Yoked Baby Sweater many times, it's been on the internet for years and I really like it. Here's one  I did some years ago for a coworker's baby, ironically also in Cotton Comfort.

Carole now has a website with cute free  baby patterns and while perusing there I discovered another sweater similar in construction called the Eyelet Yoke Cardigan.  That is my choice.

I am happy to report that my Cotton Comfort sample made it thru the washer and dryer unchanged in size!  (This yarn is an 20-80 cotton and wool blend). I consider this to be a bit of a coup. It also softened up very nicely during this process. I don't know of any other natural minimally treated yarns that will tolerate washer and dryer.  Perhaps 100% cotton? 

Knitting time has  been precious little this week.  I'm working to optimize it this weekend!

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