Sunday, December 5, 2010

Confederate Rose

I was  biking one day in October several years ago, here in SC, and was stunned saw a HUGE 20 foot tall tree, with many large blossoms. A small bit of research revealed that it was a Confederate Rose, Hibiscus mutabilis.  It's not native to the south;  it's from China, but loves the southern part of the US.  And obviously it's not a rose, but in the hibiscus family.  Sometimes it's called a "Cherokee Rose".

Last Christmas I bought two, one for my sister, one for me.  Her soil is better than mine and she put hers in right away.  I waited till summer.  Hers is now about 6 feet tall, mine is about 3.  But mine had more blossoms than hers last month.  The blossoms start out virginal white, then go to light pink, then dark pink as they fade

I do love a hot pink;  it reminds me of the 2 ply lace weight yarn I bought at Jamieson and Smith in Lerwick two summers ago. 

The plan for this?  Possibly an Estonian lace wrap from my favorite book

I love living in SC as I can grow things that flower year round, and can always have some cut flowers in the house.  But the Confederate Rose goes from white to droopy hot pink in about 24 hours, so I enjoy it outside.


  1. S.C. is it South Carolina? I just looked it up at Wiki.It says subtropical climate. I cannot imagine how it is to live such a place- and be unhappy. Your flower is beautiful, and so is your yarn. "Jamieson and Smith" sounds solid and sound.

  2. that wrap is beautiful! planning on recreating?
